Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Jinx... Yes! It's Jinx - The Music Writer!
Jinx.... WoW! Love his version of Lionel Richie's "Still" and his Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet" acapella number... pretty cool! Worth the watch! Would love to jam with him!
A little bit about Jinx. Jinx has written music for countless TV and radio commercials internationally and was also a songwriter for Warner Chappel Music. Not content with just writing music for other people and corporations, he has gone back to writing, producing and performing songs that come from the heart.
A little bit about Jinx. Jinx has written music for countless TV and radio commercials internationally and was also a songwriter for Warner Chappel Music. Not content with just writing music for other people and corporations, he has gone back to writing, producing and performing songs that come from the heart.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Resdung. Love To Have Worms Crawling Out Of Your Face?
This video shows a man with worms inside his face. Those worms comes out from the pores and is moving around. The man suppose to be from Malaysia, some of them speaks in Malay and some in Chinese. According to a YouTube user comment, this is a traditional Malaysian cure for sinusitis (resdung). It's like voodoo surgery where they appear to extractinfected entrails using only their fingers.
Sinusitis is one of the most common health conditions in the United States. It is estimated that more than 37 million people suffer from sinusitis and sinusitis-related conditions each year and that more than 13 million people visit their physician each year due to chronic sinusitis. In other word, sinusitis is a prolonged inflammation of the sinus cavities brought on by a cold, allergy attack or bacterial infection.
Paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces, communicating with the nasal cavity, within the bones of the skull and face. So in this video (after the jump), you will see MANY real worms comes out from the face of this Vietnam guy. This is a graphic video, if you think that you can’t watch this video.. just proceed to the next post in this blog.
Sinusitis is one of the most common health conditions in the United States. It is estimated that more than 37 million people suffer from sinusitis and sinusitis-related conditions each year and that more than 13 million people visit their physician each year due to chronic sinusitis. In other word, sinusitis is a prolonged inflammation of the sinus cavities brought on by a cold, allergy attack or bacterial infection.
Paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces, communicating with the nasal cavity, within the bones of the skull and face. So in this video (after the jump), you will see MANY real worms comes out from the face of this Vietnam guy. This is a graphic video, if you think that you can’t watch this video.. just proceed to the next post in this blog.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas Is Just Next Week.......Got Your Presents Yet?
Are you rushing here and there to buy the last minute Christmas gifts? Have you missed buying gifts for anyone and now frantically looking for the perfect gift in the last minute? First and foremost, don't get panic-stricken. Sit calmly and jot down what gift you can buy easily within this weekend. To decide about the gifts, one can also check the online stores which will supply the Christmas gifts to your near ones till tomorrow or Christmas Eve even ordering at a short notice. One of my recommendation to you would be from Trinxx with their Trinxx Christmas Launch 2010!
Trinxx has recently launched their Christmas collection and this one in particular caught my eye! It does look pretty.
As per the description, the Smitten Bracelet Bracelet is a mixed shade of reds from the red hearts of the howlite stone to the deep crimson agates to the hand-rolled trinxx clay beads. Howlites stones have been used by Crystal experts to clear negative energy form the wearer while red agate is believed to bring about the change you desire especially in your home life and also to give you the confidence to soldier on.
There are also a few more design that's really pretty... totally fit in as a Christmas present for your loved ones... Wish to see more? I would suggest you check it out on their website. (Click on the title and it will lead you there)
Here is a few nice Christmas songs for you.
Trinxx has recently launched their Christmas collection and this one in particular caught my eye! It does look pretty.
As per the description, the Smitten Bracelet Bracelet is a mixed shade of reds from the red hearts of the howlite stone to the deep crimson agates to the hand-rolled trinxx clay beads. Howlites stones have been used by Crystal experts to clear negative energy form the wearer while red agate is believed to bring about the change you desire especially in your home life and also to give you the confidence to soldier on.
There are also a few more design that's really pretty... totally fit in as a Christmas present for your loved ones... Wish to see more? I would suggest you check it out on their website. (Click on the title and it will lead you there)
Here is a few nice Christmas songs for you.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Analysts See A Slower But Steady Property Growth In 2011
Something good to share with you guys....
By Melissa Chi
December 16, 2010
By Melissa Chi
December 16, 2010
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 16 — Analysts said today property prices next year in the Klang Valley will continue to grow but not at this year’s skyrocketing rate.
With property prices going up by more than 30 per cent in the past two years, they said many Malaysians were wondering if they should sell their properties, buy more, or just sit and wait.
Eric Ooi, the organising chairman for the 4th Malaysian Property Summit 2011, told reporters here today that the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants (PEPS) would be bringing in experts to address the real estate concerns, especially of homebuyers and investors.
“On the local front, the economy has bounced back and the stock exchange has reached new highs, showing signs that the stimulus packages introduced after the global financial crisis have worked themselves into the system,” he said.
He added that while landed residential prices in the Klang Valley skyrocketed, especially in prime locations, other sectors are showing mixed results.
Retail is “fairly strong” but the office sector is still soft but improving, as is the industrial sector, Ooi said.
“While real estate prices compared to 25 years ago might have increased ten times, we must not forget that 25 years ago, interest rates were also very high... to a certain extent, that has cushioned its effect but not enough, I know it’s not enough,” he said, acknowledging that home prices are beyond the affordability of an average home buyer.
He said an average property, either landed or condominiums, will be about RM450,000 in the Klang Valley.
James Wong, the immediate past president of PEPS, said the country’s economy will continue to expand next year, but was also quick to add that it will be at a slower pace.
He said he expects to see a double dip recession in the U.S. and more European countries to be debt-ridden.
“So the property market in 2011 will still grow but probably it will grow at a moderate rate. So unlike the fears of the economists in China and in Singapore, you will not expect a property bubble for our country in the foreseeable future. This is because the sharp increase in property prices are only in landed residential properties, in very choice locations and there is actually a very big penned up demand for such properties, both in the Klang Valley and Penang and also in certain upmarket condominium project launching,” he said.
“There is liquidity in the market, although Bank Negara is trying to curb speculation, which is a good thing,” Ooi acknowledged.
The central bank’s imposition of a maximum loan-to-value ratio (LVR) of 70 per cent for a third and subsequent housing financing facility taken by a borrower, was seen as a timely pre-emptive measure to avert unhealthy speculative activities and a potential property bubble.
With the latest measure that has already taken effect, people buying their third and subsequent house would be required to pay a higher down-payment than the current standard minimum of 10 per cent of the value of a house.
The analysts pointed out that although they predict a steady growth, there are still a number of challenges to be aware of, that could take a negative spin on the property market.
One of them is the highly speculated snap polls expected next year.
“I think if you look at investors, in general, investors wants stability. So, whichever the government is, stability is very important. So long as, I think you don’t have the situation of hung parliament for example, then if you have a government and the government takes affirmative action... then it will have not much impact on the real estate market,” Ooi said.
There is also the question of whether there will be an increase of interest rates.
“I think over the past year, there had been increases introduced by Bank Negara but I think it is unlikely that there will be major increases in 2011 because any major increase in interest rates will affect repayments and will affect affordability. So, I don’t expect interest rates to increase substantially,” he said.
Wong admitted that a large number of property prices in the Klang Valley are beyond the means of most young professionals as well as those who are preparing to start a family.
“One way of overcoming it is for the government to open up lands for developers who wants to build affordable housing and probably provide incentives for developers who wish to do so,” he suggested.
Choy Yue Kwong, PEPS president, insisted that investing in properties is one of the “safest” way to invest.
“Everybody knows property is the hedge against inflation. It’s the safest one, when you buy a property, if you can hold, it will go up. The only problem is when people over leverage,” he said.
The 4th Malaysian Property Summit 2011 will be held on January 18 at the Sime Darby Convention Centre and speakers will be presenting their property market outlook for the year.
Rihanna - Only Girl - A Capella Cover (Is It Really A Capella? I Doubt!)
"A capella" is a voice, or voices singing without instrumental accompaniment. Usually voices singing, harmonizing and mimicking instruments.
I do really enjoyed this song. I thought it was well done or even better than the original. But I kinda have a really hard time believing that as if it is just voices and mouth. The question is, if it is so A Capella, why is it digitally re-mastered? I still prefer the acapella done by Sam Tsui!
This sounded so fake... compared to.....
I do really enjoyed this song. I thought it was well done or even better than the original. But I kinda have a really hard time believing that as if it is just voices and mouth. The question is, if it is so A Capella, why is it digitally re-mastered? I still prefer the acapella done by Sam Tsui!
This sounded so fake... compared to.....
Monday, December 13, 2010
Minnesota Vikings - Metrodome Roof Collapse
The giant inflatable roof above the Minneapolis Metrodome collapsed on Sunday under the weight of a massive snowstorm that swept across the upper Midwest. The weight of more than a foot of snow was too much for the Metrodome roof and it collapsed overnight. The 580,000lbs roof, which is made of Teflon-coated fibreglass, fell in just hours before Minnesota Vikings were due to play the New York Giants. That game had been moved to Monday because of concerns about the snow on the dome roof. The dome collapse came long after the snow had stopped.
Here's some footages captured by FOX
Here's some footages captured by FOX
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Do We Continue To Be Ignorant Or Do We Deter?
When I read about the article of Alviss Kong in The Star, I decided to browse further to see who he was in facebook and what was it all about. I also wanted to know what made him committed suicide. From facebook, I found that he had an accumulative number of at least 100,000 people liking his page on different Alviss Kong pages. Even in his personal blog (which has been private by now) has hit 29,000 views.
I know that the world-wide-web's social media has one way or another changed our lifestyles' metaphor. Individuals are more open on their feelings and thoughts in the web and often opting to penned it down on their blog unlike the olden days where we write it down on personal diary. Sometimes, they vent it out on Twitter or Facebook status updates too. So because of this, as a friend, parent, or family members, should we now ought to be a little bit more sensitive towards the action and feelings of our loved ones when they post messages alike Alviss? It is clearly shown that nowadays social media has become one of the preferred channel for individuals to gamble out their last resort before taking dramatic actions against themselves a.k.a. ending their life. It kept me wondering if social media is starting to burst it's bubble by turning the other way round.
This evolution is worrying and I now totally understand why does parents wanting or insisting in one way or another to be friends with their children on their facebook page. This is because, they hope that they could stop their kids in time before it leads to some unfavorable dramatic actions. I don't blame them. I do hope youth will not try to emulate Alviss Kong. If there is something that you could not solve, turn to your trusted friends or family. They will help get you out of it.
If friends of families were to be sensitive enough on the last 45 minutes countdown of Alviss Kong after he posted those messages up on facebook, some sort of actions could have been taken to avoid such saddening incident. But nevertheless, we learn from this lesson. This is the second time people posting shout out in facebook before they take their own life.
Rest In Peace Alviss! I do feel sad reading about your article.
This is the message he posted on his Facebook account:
i love u…i said it i meant it…i’ll love u till the moment i die
devil bin this is the way how i love,perhaps ppl will think it was crazy
i’ve never tried to put down my pride my dignity my ego-ness on my first ex…but u were totally diff,i put down my pride my dignity my every shit
just to beg u….but i failed…as always im just a failure in a relation
but that’s just me,i’ll only do the things which i think its worth…
will i became ur memory forever ? who knows..since u were already special when the first sight i saw u…
perhaps,u’ll just fucking laugh at me…i bet there’s plenty of ppl will laugh too =) but who cares ?
that’s just me…that’s the way i are….
the last thing
i do appreciate everything about us….u were the light in my life..u given me determination for my future…but everything is gone…i don’t blame u actually…
because ~ so just wish u’ll have ya happy life in d future
ILY & IMY ~ sorry that i couldn’t brings u to walk until the end of the day
P/S : Please do not blame her….Im the one who decided this..she’s just the one given me the motivation n courage… my FAMILY,please..i beg of u all,dont ever blame on her…
The photo above was taken by Alviss shortly before he committed suicide. You can feel his sorrow as tears flowed from his eyes.
For those of you who wants to know more, Josh Lim has wrote a summary of the incident and I hope we learn from it. Here goes....
I know that the world-wide-web's social media has one way or another changed our lifestyles' metaphor. Individuals are more open on their feelings and thoughts in the web and often opting to penned it down on their blog unlike the olden days where we write it down on personal diary. Sometimes, they vent it out on Twitter or Facebook status updates too. So because of this, as a friend, parent, or family members, should we now ought to be a little bit more sensitive towards the action and feelings of our loved ones when they post messages alike Alviss? It is clearly shown that nowadays social media has become one of the preferred channel for individuals to gamble out their last resort before taking dramatic actions against themselves a.k.a. ending their life. It kept me wondering if social media is starting to burst it's bubble by turning the other way round.
This evolution is worrying and I now totally understand why does parents wanting or insisting in one way or another to be friends with their children on their facebook page. This is because, they hope that they could stop their kids in time before it leads to some unfavorable dramatic actions. I don't blame them. I do hope youth will not try to emulate Alviss Kong. If there is something that you could not solve, turn to your trusted friends or family. They will help get you out of it.
If friends of families were to be sensitive enough on the last 45 minutes countdown of Alviss Kong after he posted those messages up on facebook, some sort of actions could have been taken to avoid such saddening incident. But nevertheless, we learn from this lesson. This is the second time people posting shout out in facebook before they take their own life.
Rest In Peace Alviss! I do feel sad reading about your article.
This is the message he posted on his Facebook account:
i love u…i said it i meant it…i’ll love u till the moment i die
devil bin this is the way how i love,perhaps ppl will think it was crazy
i’ve never tried to put down my pride my dignity my ego-ness on my first ex…but u were totally diff,i put down my pride my dignity my every shit
just to beg u….but i failed…as always im just a failure in a relation
but that’s just me,i’ll only do the things which i think its worth…
will i became ur memory forever ? who knows..since u were already special when the first sight i saw u…
perhaps,u’ll just fucking laugh at me…i bet there’s plenty of ppl will laugh too =) but who cares ?
that’s just me…that’s the way i are….
the last thing
i do appreciate everything about us….u were the light in my life..u given me determination for my future…but everything is gone…i don’t blame u actually…
because ~ so just wish u’ll have ya happy life in d future
ILY & IMY ~ sorry that i couldn’t brings u to walk until the end of the day
P/S : Please do not blame her….Im the one who decided this..she’s just the one given me the motivation n courage… my FAMILY,please..i beg of u all,dont ever blame on her…
The photo above was taken by Alviss shortly before he committed suicide. You can feel his sorrow as tears flowed from his eyes.
For those of you who wants to know more, Josh Lim has wrote a summary of the incident and I hope we learn from it. Here goes....
A summary of the Alviss Kong tragedy.
Sharing December 10th, 2010
I read some disturbing news in my Facebook feed, and clicked it. In summary, here’s what happened. Most of the official articles are in Chinese, and some people are adding unnecessary details. Here’s just the facts in summary.
Just the facts:
On Thursday 9th December 2010, @djvoize said:People~ please respect the late alviss kong,4 months doesn’t mean that the love is nt deep,respect by nt saying him dumb or what,n fr u guys who wanna scold or slap the girl,for what?it’s nt even her wrong n we outsiders will nvr know what’s the real prob between them~Screenshot from Alviss Kong’s blog. It’s closed now, but the Google Cache is available:
It’s quite sad reading about Alviss Kong’s perfect day with her (clubbing, school, etc) especially knowing what happened.

This is particularly depressing for me given that Alviss is quite likely someone I have probably met or seen while clubbing. Someone that I have 15 mutual friends with on Facebook. And he’s a blogger. A girl in my Facebook list wrote on her wall about how she was very happy to have been his friend, as she used to club with him and he always had a “cute plaster” on his face, and spend late nights talking on the phone with him and sharing secrets. It’s especially sad knowing that Alviss was a fashionable, good looking guy, had lots of friends and people to talk to (judging from his pics, Facebook profile and blog posts) - but still chose to commit suicide.
I know we’ve all ‘been there’. Where you just want to turn the off switch. It really isn’t the way to go about it.
Please if you’re even thinking of suicide. There’s always a way out. And really. There will always be other girls.
Please do give them a call before you do anything - this is a counselling/suicide prevention hotline.
03-79568144 or 03-79568145
Rest in peace, Alviss.
Just the facts:
- A 22 year old (Born 22nd May 1988) , ALVISS KONG (Jiangshi Feng (IT staff) committed suicide by jumping off the 14th floor of Ketumbar Heights, Cheras.
- Before commiting suicide, he posted a note to his Facebook profile page. Prior to jumping, he took one last photo and even posted a message 45 minutes before.
- From the note, it can be inferred that he no longer wanted to live after his girlfriend broke up with him.
- Alviss Kong ’s body damaged a car upon impact, and he lay bleeding until emergency services took him to the hospital.
- He was pronounced dead at 9AM on the morning of December 10th.
- He lived on the 5th floor of the same apartment, and has a brother and a sister
- Prior to jumping off the 14th floor, he went to a tea stall near his apartment.
- Both Alviss Kong and his girlfriend had blogs.
- They had been together for 4 months, and this was Alviss’s second, and last relationship.
- From a source on FB, I found out that Alviss Kong used to work in Berjaya Times Square. He also used to go clubbing a lot, and he liked to wear a plaster on his face as a fashion statement.
On Thursday 9th December 2010, @djvoize said:People~ please respect the late alviss kong,4 months doesn’t mean that the love is nt deep,respect by nt saying him dumb or what,n fr u guys who wanna scold or slap the girl,for what?it’s nt even her wrong n we outsiders will nvr know what’s the real prob between them~Screenshot from Alviss Kong’s blog. It’s closed now, but the Google Cache is available:
It’s quite sad reading about Alviss Kong’s perfect day with her (clubbing, school, etc) especially knowing what happened.
Alviss Kong's Perfect, Unforgettable Day
- The suicide note on Facebook:
- Alviss Kong’s Facebook page:
- Alviss Kong’s blog (private):
- The original ChinaPress article:
- A link to the auto-translated version:
- A personal friend of Alviss Kong shares the experiences of her time with him:
- Another friend of Alviss Kong shares her experiences:
- GooGoo1Nee.blogspot’s article:
- JoshuaOngYS:
This is particularly depressing for me given that Alviss is quite likely someone I have probably met or seen while clubbing. Someone that I have 15 mutual friends with on Facebook. And he’s a blogger. A girl in my Facebook list wrote on her wall about how she was very happy to have been his friend, as she used to club with him and he always had a “cute plaster” on his face, and spend late nights talking on the phone with him and sharing secrets. It’s especially sad knowing that Alviss was a fashionable, good looking guy, had lots of friends and people to talk to (judging from his pics, Facebook profile and blog posts) - but still chose to commit suicide.
I know we’ve all ‘been there’. Where you just want to turn the off switch. It really isn’t the way to go about it.
Please if you’re even thinking of suicide. There’s always a way out. And really. There will always be other girls.
Please do give them a call before you do anything - this is a counselling/suicide prevention hotline.
03-79568144 or 03-79568145
Rest in peace, Alviss.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Do You Know What Happens If An Alligator Bites An Electric Eel?
It has always kept me wondering what happens if an alligator bites an electric eel. The answer is in this video.... LOL! Have fun!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Butt Crack Blunders!
Butt Crack, as termed by Wikipedia, is called the intergluteal cleft, also known as the natal cleft, is the groove between the buttocks that runs from just below the sacrum to the perineum, so named because it forms the visible border between the external rounded protrusions of the Gluteus maximus muscles. The intergluteal cleft is located directly above the anus. Yes, it's called butt crack!
Despite who you are and what's your status, we try our best from falling into style blunders. Whether it may be a planned disclosure or an accidental mishap, butt cleavage is a common mistake.
While I was having dinner yesterday, I can't help but notice the most heinous, awkward, and impossible-to-forget butt crack right before my meal. It's kinda wanting to tell me, what goes in from the top, is gonna have a hard time popping out down there. Go get yourself a decent piece of underwear dude!
Despite who you are and what's your status, we try our best from falling into style blunders. Whether it may be a planned disclosure or an accidental mishap, butt cleavage is a common mistake.
While I was having dinner yesterday, I can't help but notice the most heinous, awkward, and impossible-to-forget butt crack right before my meal. It's kinda wanting to tell me, what goes in from the top, is gonna have a hard time popping out down there. Go get yourself a decent piece of underwear dude!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Pinoy Songs Are Really Good! Why Isn't It Brought To Malaysia? Just Be Careful With My Heart OK?
Please Be Careful With My Heart! This song has been following me for years. I saw a friend who is only 21 this year hearing this song from his msn and I asked him "How on earth do you know this song? You were not even born yet!" He then told me the singer of his version was Tay Ke Wei and Christian Bautista and I went Ah Ha! No wonder... it's the remake version. Anyhow it's in a mixture of chinese and english. Not too bad I would say!
Pinoy songs are really good and I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND why is it not promoted in Malaysia! People like Eric Santos, Sarah Geronimo, Jose Mari Chan, Mark Bautista, Christian Bautista and Gary Valenciano are having songs that are a killer! Each time you listen to it, you'd melt!
Here's the version by Tay Ke Wei and Christian Bautista
And here's the original
Pinoy songs are really good and I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND why is it not promoted in Malaysia! People like Eric Santos, Sarah Geronimo, Jose Mari Chan, Mark Bautista, Christian Bautista and Gary Valenciano are having songs that are a killer! Each time you listen to it, you'd melt!
Here's the version by Tay Ke Wei and Christian Bautista
And here's the original
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